
Japanese artist builds NFT vending machine

Japanese artist builds NFT vending machine

Japanese artist Masahide Matsuda previously announced the launch of his first NFT project "The Laughing Man". In addition to launching NFTs, Matsuda Masahide also built NFT vending machines for this purpose. Through this vending machine, everyone can purchase tickets for "The Laughing Man" and Masahide Matsuda's June exhibition, as well as tags for distributing NFTs.

NFT vending machine.png

What is NFT?

NFT, the full name of Non-Fungible Token, refers to a non-fungible token, which is the only cryptocurrency token used to represent digital assets (including jpg and video clip forms), which can be bought and sold.


In essence, NFT is also a kind of cryptocurrency, but it is a non-fungible token, and its function is much larger than that of Bitcoin's homogenized tokens. Unlike Bitcoin and other homogenized tokens, NFT is indivisible and unique. It is based on blockchain technology and is a proof of digital asset ownership. At present, there are hundreds of NFT works to choose from in the Ouyi NFT market. Recently, the NFT work-Lingcage Digital Blind Box has also been launched in the form of a blind box, which is also the world's first top-level 3D long-form animation AR digital collectible.

NFTs can be used to prove ownership of many tangible or intangible assets, such as music, artwork, virtual world wearables, in-game items, and more. If you want to prove your ownership of something, but don't want to use your personal information, you can consider making the item NFT. NFTs are considered to bring a lot of convenience to digital content creators and collectors, because digital items are easier to copy and circulate than real tangible assets, such as real estate, and sometimes it is difficult to prove ownership, and it is also very difficult to prove ownership. It is difficult to prove which is the original. To be clear, NFTs prove ownership, not copyright. Ownership and copyright can belong to different people. For example, if an artist creates an electronic painting, he can sell the ownership to another person, but the copyright is still in his own hands.

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